鞠明和,男,汉族,中共党员,江苏建湖人。现为kaiyun登录中国入口登录深地工程智能建造与健康运维全国重点实验室副教授。主要从事深部煤岩动力灾害监测预警及防控、深部资源安全高效开采等方面的 研究工作。博士毕业于澳大利亚莫纳什大学(Monash University,全球Top50大学),师从ISRM会士、《International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences》主编Jian ZHAO教授和东南大学李建春教授。目前,主持国家自然科学基金1项、博士后面上基金1项、澳大利亚ANSTO开放基金课题1项、国家重点实验室开放基金1项等,同时作为研究骨干参与国家自然科学基金委重大科研仪器研制项目、杰青和重点项目、企业冲击地压重大科研攻关项目等项目6项。发表学术论文40余篇、主编英文专著1部,其中SCI收录26篇(JCR-Q1论文20篇)、EI收录5篇,含第一/通讯作者SCI论文16篇(13篇JCR-Q1)、中文EI论文4篇,ESI高被引论文2篇,论著总被引近1300余次(Google Scholar),H指数17;申请/授权国家发明专利10项。入选2023年度“kaiyun登录中国入口登录优秀青年骨干教师”、2022年江苏省双创博士人才计划,担任第四届岩石动力学与应用国际会议(RocDyn-4)秘书长,《Deep Underground Science and Engineering》和《Geohazard Mechanics》期刊青年编委。博士论文提名莫纳什大学优秀博士论文奖,获评2020年度莫纳什大学Postgraduate Publication Award和2019年度莫纳什大学土木工程系Best Paper Award。担任行业内10余本高水平期刊(Int J Rock Mech Min, Rock Mech Rock Eng, Tunn Undergr Sp Tech, Eng Fract Mech等)审稿人。
2016.11–2020.10,Monash University,工程学院,博士,导师:Jian Zhao教授,李建春教授
1. 国家自然科学基金(青年项目),非均质煤岩细观动破碎机制及理论模型研究,NO. 52104101,2022.01 – 2024.12,在研,主持。
2. 江苏省双创博士人才计划项目,2022.09 – 2024.08,在研,主持。
3. 岩土力学与工程国家重点实验室开放基金,弱面导向的非均质岩石动态破碎及冲击致灾机理研究,NO. SKLGME021016,2022.01 – 2023.12,在研,主持。
4. 第71批博士后面上基金,NO. 2022M713369,2022.07-2024.06,在研,主持。
5. 陕西正通煤业有限责任公司矿井冲击危险性评价及设计修编,NO. 2022240073,2022.01 – 2023.12,在研,主持。
6. kaiyun登录中国入口登录人才引进科研启动经费,NO. 102531257,2021.07 – 2023.06,在研,主持。
7. 三轴动态冲击损伤岩石保压渗透性研究,NO. 2022240061,2022.10 -2023.05,在研,主持。
8. 沉积岩试样动静态力学性能测试分析,NO. 2022240038,2022.06 – 2022.08,在研,主持。
9. 国家重大科研仪器研制项目,深地工程多场耦合动力灾变试验仪,NO. 52227901,2023.01 – 2027.12,在研,参与,课题一秘书。
10. 企业冲击矿压重大科研攻关项目,海石湾煤矿强矿震及冲击矿压防控研究,NO. 2022210381,2022.09 – 2025.12,在研,课题五骨干参与。
1. 鞠明和, 朱涵, 窦林名, 胡李华, 韩泽鹏, 马小涛 (2023). 局部震动诱发煤体非稳态裂纹扩展及其冲击显现特征研究. 煤炭学报. 48(5), 2035-2048.
2. Minghe Ju, Jianchun Li*, Jian Zhao (2022). Transverse Cracking of Rock with a Dissimilar Inclusion Under Tension: Effect of Loading Rate and Inclusion Diameter. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 55(9), 5513-5534. (SCI-JCR Q1)
3. Minghe Ju, Yang Hao, Zitao Guo, Haozhe Xing* (2022). Influence of mineral mesoscopic structure on rock dynamic fragmentation under compression. Géotechnique Letters. 12(3), 232-238. (SCI-JCR Q3)
4. Minghe Ju, Xiaofeng Li*, Xing Li, & Guanglei Zhang (2022). “A review of the effects of weak interfaces on crack propagation in rock: from phenomenon to mechanism.” Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 108297. (SCI-JCR Q1)
5. Minghe Ju, Haozhe Xing* (2022). Crack propagation in jointed rock and its effect on rock macrofracture resistance: insights from discrete element analysis. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources. 8(1): 1-22. (SCI-JCR Q1)
6. 鞠明和,陶泽军,李晓锋,蔚立元,姜礼杰,李晓昭 (2022).粒子重复冲击破岩细观损伤及破碎特征试验研究. 岩土力学. 43(12), 1-14. (EI)
7. Minghe Ju, Xiaofeng Li, Jianchun Li* (2021). “Large-scale asymmetric pulverisation of fault zone: Insights from rock axial strain in static and dynamic loading conditions.” International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 104557. (SCI-JCR Q1)
8. Minghe Ju, Jianchun Li*, Qiangling Yao, Xing Li, Jian Zhao (2021). “Physical and numerical investigations of bedding adhesion strength on stratified rock roof fracture with longwall coal mining.” Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources. 7(1), 1-31. (SCI-JCR Q1)
9. Xiaofeng Li, Haibo Li, Guokai Zhang, Minghe Ju*, and Jian Zhao (2021). "Rate dependency mechanism of crystalline rocks induced by impacts: Insights from grain-scale fracturing and micro heterogeneity." International Journal of Impact Engineering. 103855. (SCI-JCR Q1)
10. Minghe Ju, Jianchun Li*, Jing Li, and Jian Zhao (2020). "Loading Rate Effects on Anisotropy and Crack Propagation of Weak Bedding Plane-rich Rocks." Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 106983. (SCI-JCR Q1)
11. Xiaofeng Li, Haibo Li, L.W. Liu, Yaqun Liu, Minghe Ju* and Jian Zhao (2020). “Investigating the crack initiation and propagation mechanism in brittle rocks using grain-based finite-discrete element method.” International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 104219. (SCI-JCR Q1)
12. Minghe Ju, Jianchun Li*, Xiaofeng Li, and Jian Zhao (2019). "Fracture surface morphology of brittle geomaterials influenced by loading rate and grain size." International Journal of Impact Engineering. 103363. (SCI-JCR Q1)
13. Minghe Ju, Jianchun Li*, Qiangling Yao, Xiaofeng Li, and Jian Zhao (2019). "Rate Effect on Crack Propagation Measurement Results with Crack Propagation Gauge, Digital Image Correlation, and Visual Methods." Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 106537. (SCI-JCR Q1)
14. P.G. Ranjith*, Jian Zhao, Minghe Ju, Radhika VS De Silva, Tharaka D. Rathnaweera, and Adheesha KMS Bandara (2017). "Opportunities and challenges in deep mining: a brief review." Engineering. 3(4), 546-51. (SCI-JCR Q1)
15. Minghe Ju*, Xuehua Li, Qiangling Yao, Shengyou Liu, Shun Liang, and Xiaolin Wang (2017). "Effect of sand grain size on simulated mining-induced overburden failure in physical model tests." Engineering Geology. 226, 93-106. (SCI-JCR Q1)
16. Xuehua Li, Minghe Ju*, Qiangling Yao, Jian Zhou, and Zhaohui Chong (2016). "Numerical investigation of the effect of the location of critical rock block fracture on crack evolution in a gob-side filling wall." Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 49(3), 1041-1058. (SCI-JCR Q1)
17. 鞠明和,蔚立元,姚强岭,靖洪文,孟庆彬,胡李华. 发明专利. 一种测试岩石不同法向应力下II型动态断裂韧度的测试系统及试验方法(ZL202110778714.5). 2022.6.14
18. “冲击地压与岩石动力学前沿技术与实践”学术研讨会暨《煤炭学报》“冲击地压与岩石动力学”专题发布会 特邀报告,2023.7.16
19. “第十八届全国岩石动力学学术会议暨能源高端学术论坛” 优秀报告奖,2023.9.24