张宗星,男,山东临沂人,主要从事工程结构耐久性及桥梁火灾风险评估研究。目前, 主持国家自然科学青年基金项目、中国博士后科学基金面上项目及教育部重点实验开放基金等项目。已发表学术论文 30 余篇,以第一/通讯作者发表 SCI 论文 16篇(ESI 高被引论文 1 篇,JCRQ1 区 9篇),EI 论文 3 篇,授权国家专利 5 项,获得陕西省优秀博士学位论文,中国钢结构协会科学技术奖一等奖,中国腐蚀与防护学会科学技术一等奖等科技奖励,并担任SCI 期刊《Buildings》客座编辑及核心期刊《公路工程》青年编委。研究成果应用于深中通道、狮子洋通道、南沙大桥及泰州长江大桥等重大基础工程,以科研促进产学研的发展。
2014/09–2020/12,西安建筑科技大学,结构工程,博士,导师:徐善华 教授
2021/03-2023/12,kaiyun登录中国入口登录,建筑工程系,博士后,导师:叶继红 教授
2023年 陕西省优秀博士学位论文;
2023年 中国腐蚀与防护学会科学技术一等奖;
2023年 中国腐蚀控制技术协会科学技术二等奖;
1. 国家自然科学青年基金项目, 荷载与海洋大气环境耦合作用下轴压钢构件稳定性能及评估方法研究, 30万,2021.9 (主持);
2. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,荷载与海洋大气环境耦合作用下轴压钢构件稳定性能失效机理与评估方法,8万,2021.10 (主持);
3. 结构工程与抗震教育部重点实验室开放基金,海洋环境下锈蚀受压钢构件火灾全过程失效机理及评估方法研究,2022.5 (主持);
4. 缆索和锚固体系服役性能高效评估与长效保障技术研究,2023.12 (主持);
5. 深中通道桥梁缆索用锌铝镁合金镀层钢丝耐腐性能研究,2022.11(主持);
6. 狮子洋通道火灾防控与应急处置关键技术研究, 2022.05,(主持);
7. 狮子洋通道钢框架锚固系统隔离防护技术研究, 2023.12(主持);
8. 大跨径悬索桥火灾温度场分布真火试验与模拟研究, 2023.06,(主持);
9. 车致火灾下泰州长江大桥安全评估及防护策略, 2023.11(主持);
10. 南京长江四桥火灾风险评估与防控技术研究, 2022.11(主持)。
1. Zongxing Zhang, Yuxuan Xu, Yaohua Huang, Wei Chen. Experiment study on the mechanical properties and constitutive model of grade 1960 steel wires under and after elevated temperatures. Journal of Building Engineering,2024,
2. Zongxing Zhang, Yuxuan Xu, Guangchong Qin. Deterioration of Mechanical Properties and the Damage Constitutive Model of Corroded Steel in an Industrial Environment. Materials 2022, 15(24), 8841.
3. Zongxing Zhang, Jihong Ye, Guangchong Qin. Buckling Behavior of Corroded Four-Sided Simply Supported Plates with Longitudinal Stress Gradients. ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics 2022, 148(10): 04022058.
4. Zongxing Zhang, Jihong Ye, Zhe Huang. Elastic buckling behavior of corroded uniformly compressed plates with three simply supported edges. Structures 2022,40: 946-959.
5. Zongxing Zhang, Jihong Ye, Guangchong Qin. Numerical and theoretical study of buckling behavior of corroded H-section eccentric compression steel columns. Structures 2022,40:16-28.
6. Zhang Zongxing, Xu Shanhua, Li Rou. Comparative investigation of the effect of corrosion on the mechanical properties of different parts of thin-walled steel. Thin-Walled Structures,2020,146: 106450.(ESI高被引)
7. Zhang Zongxing, Xu Shanhua, Wang Youde, et al. Local and post-buckling behavior of corroded axially-compressed steel columns. Thin-Walled Structures, 2020, 157: 107108.
8. Zhang Zongxing, Xu Shanhua, Nie Biao. Experimental and numerical investigation of corroded steel columns subjected to in-plane compression and bending. Thin-Walled Structures, 2020, 151:106735.
9. Zhang Zongxing, Xu Shanhua, Wang Hao, et al. Flexural buckling behavior of corroded hot-rolled H-section steel beams. Engineering Structures, 2021, 111614.
10. Zhang Zongxing, Xu Shanhua, Li Han, et al. Study on the flexural behavior of corroded built-up cold-formed thin-walled steel beams. Steel and Composite Structures.2020, 37(3): 353-369.
11. Zhang Zongxing, Xu Shanhua, Mu Lin, et al. Experimental and theoretical investigation on flexural behavior of corroded steel beams strengthened by CFRP plate. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering.2020, 24(7), 2130-2172.
12. Kang Zhuangsu, Zhang Zongxing, Song Shenyou. Effect of pitting corrosion on the mechanical properties and fracture model of steel wires for bridge cable, Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, 2023,70(4): 173-181.
13. Xu Shanhua, Zhang Zongxing, Qin Guangchong, et al. Study on the seismic performance of corroded H-shaped steel columns. Engineering Structures, 2019, 191:39-61.
14. Xu Shanhua, Zhang Zongxing, Li Rou, et al. Effect of cleaned corrosion surface topography on mechanical properties of cold-formed thin-walled steel. Construction and Building Materials.2019, 222:1-14.
15. Xu Shanhua, Zhang Zongxing. Experimental Study on the Shear Behavior of RC Beams with Corroded Stirrups. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology. 2017,15(4):178-189.
16. Zhang Haijiang, Xu Shanhua, Zhang Zongxing, et al. Fracture analysis of corroded cold-formed thin steel plates based on actual morphology using micromechanical models. Construction and Building Materials, 2020:120899.
17. Li Han, Xu Shanhua, Zhang Zongxing, et al. Experimental and numerical investigation on the corrosion effects on the bonding behavior between CFRP and steel. Composite Structures.
18. Nie Biao, Xu Shanhua, Zhang Zongxing, et al. Experimental investigation on corroded cold-formed steel beam-columns under compression and major axis bending. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2020, 169:106026.
19. Xu Shanhua, Gin Guangchong, Zhang Zongxing, et al. Experimental research on hysteretic characteristics of steel plates artificially corroded by neutral salt spray. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. 2016:7645763.
20. 徐善华,张宗星,苏超,秦广冲.中性盐雾环境锈蚀H型钢柱抗震性能试验研究.建筑结构学报,2019,40(1):49-57.
21. 徐善华,张宗星,李柔,等.锈蚀钢框架地震易损性评定方法.工程力学,2018,35(12):107-115.
1.一种用于悬索桥主缆荷载-火灾耦合的试验装置及试验方法. ZL202210786807.7, 202209,发明专利. (已授权)
2.一种大跨悬索桥钢桁架的持载抗火试验装置及试验方法. ZL 202311312314.0, 发明专利. (已公开)
3. 一种用于悬索桥索夹的抗火阻燃结构, ZL 202211116328.0,发明专利. (已公开)
4. 一种卡扣卡接式桥梁缆索防火套及其防护体系, 202211104581.4,发明专利. (已公开)
5. 通过H型防火胶泥粘结成型的缆索抗火外套及其防火结构,ZL202211104339.7, 发明专利. (已公开)
6. 一种预应力碳纤维板加固钢梁的张拉锚固实验装置及方法,ZL 201810060769.0, 发明专利. (已公开)